Showcase Rules and Regulations

Tournament Headquarters
Athletes in Action Sports Complex
1197 S. Detroit St.
Xenia, OH 45385

Team registration for the Ohio Galaxies Showcase will be by ONLINE submission only.  Click here to complete the online team application.

Team Eligibility
1. Team from the United States must present an approved roster and player picture identification pass cards issued by the team's USSF member organization (USYS, US Club Soccer).
2. USYS teams from outside of the state of Ohio must provide proof of permission to travel from their state association.
3. Teams must be in good standing with their USSF member organization.
4. Teams from a CONCACAF nation must present an approved roster and player picture identification pass cards issued by the team's Provincial or National Association approving the team's participation in our event.
5. Coaches must bring player/coach pass cards and medical release forms to every match.

Players and Guest Players
All players must be registered for the current seasonal year with their respective USSF association. Guest players must be registered with the same USSF association as the participating team and have a current player pass card.  Roster size is a maximum of 22 for all age groups.   There is no restriction on the number of guest players per team in the u16-u19 age groups.  A total of 6 guest players are permitted in the u13-u15 age groups.

Event Match Laws
All matches must be played in accordance with FIFA laws of the Game in effect on January 1st of the year that the event is held, with certain Amendments as follows:
1. Substitution Time: Substitutes must be at the midfield line.  Unlimited substitutions for all age groups will be allowed with the consent of the referee.  A player may be substituted after a goal has been scored, or either team's goal kick, on either tam's throw-in, on either team's corner kick, or, upon any other stoppage in play, at the referee's discretion.  Each substitution must be with the approval of the referee.
2. The game clock will not be stopped because of injury to any player, except if deemed necessary by the referee.   Due to the time allowed for the competition of all matches, the clock should run continuously.

Match Length
Matches will consist of two halves of an equal 35-minute length. The event director reserves the right to adjust game length for conditions beyond their control.  Referees will limit half time to 5 minutes.

Referees will be USSF certified.  It is the intent of the event to provide a three-person referee system for all matches; however, if deemed necessary, matches may be conducted with a club linesman or with a two-person referee system.

Player Equipment
1. Shin guards are mandatory
2. All players except the goalkeeper must have uniforms with individual numbers on the jersey.
3. If the jersey color is similar or identical, the designated home team shall change jerseys.
4. No jewelry or watches are to be worn.
5. Casts - players who are wearing protective casts are allowed to play if the cast is wrapped in foam or other protective material that will protect other players.  Such protection must be approved by the referee prior to the start of the match.

Match Check In
Prior to the start of each scheduled match, each team must present to the referee the team's digital or physical coach and player pass cards so that the team may be checked in to play the match.

Conduct and Appeals
There shall be no dissent between players and/or coaches and the referee.  Questioning a referee's call constitutes dissent.  Any player or coach ordered off the field by the referee for misconduct will serve a one (1) game suspension, as determined by the event director.  The event director shall review each incident based on the report of the referee. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators, specifically verbal abuse of the referees.  Such abuse will not be tolerated.  Violation may result in forfeiture of the match and/or expulsion from further play.   The event director or his/her designee has the right to ask anyone to leave the complex for unsportsmanlike behavior. The event director's decision with respect to any suspension shall NOT be subject to review or appeal.

Red Cards/Ejections
Referees will report red cards/ejections of all players, coaches or spectators to the event referee coordinator.  The event director and/or event referee coordinator will file reports of red cards/ejections to the appropriate state association or governing organization at the end of the event.  Any disciplinary action will be reported to the team's governing organization and for CONCACAF teams the disciplinary action will be reported to USSF.  

No protests will be heard.

Spectator and Coaching Areas
Both teams will sit on the same side of the field.  A maximum of 3 coaches are permitted on the coaches' side of the field.   All coaches will remain within 20 yards of the centerline on their half of the field.   Parents and spectators must sit in the appropriate spectator areas across from their team.

Match Cards
The center referee will keep the official match card, which he shall receive from the designated field marshal prior to each match.  The center referee shall obtain the signature of each linesman and each participating head coach at the conclusion of each match.  The referee will be responsible for returning the match card to the designated field marshal at the conclusion of each match.

Match Points
Points will be awarded for each match in accordance with the following schedule:
Six points for WIN
Three points for a TIE
Zero points for a LOSS
One point for a SHUT-OUT (including 0-0 match)
One point for each goal scored, up to three maximum, regardless of win or lossLeast

Tie Breakers
In the event of a points tie, advancement will be determined as follows:
1. Head to head
2. Goal differential (maximum of 5 goal difference per match)
3. Most goals scored (maximum of 5 goals per match)
4. Least goals allowed
5. Kicks from the Penalty Mark (FIFA laws of game, see definition below).

In a Division that only has one group (such as a four team division), the top two teams will play for the Championship. In a 3 way tie, tie breakers are followed from step 2 to 4 until all advancing teams are determined. Ties will be resolved using the above procedure.

Tie breakers in semi final and final games
If the score is tied after the end of regulation, kicks from the penalty mark will follow.  No overtime will be played.

Kicks from the Penalty Mark
 Only players on the field at the end of the game will be eligible for kicks from the Penalty Mark. A coin flip will determine who will go first, visiting team calls. Five kickers per team, alternating kicks per team. The most goals scored after five kicks for each team wins the game. If the score remains tied, teams will alternate shooters until there is an unmatched goal between the teams. After all eligible players on the field of play have taken kicks, teams will start with their first kickers again and in the same order.

Failure to complete a match, or a team leaving the field during play, will result in forfeiture. The team winning by forfeit will be awarded one goal, or remaining team will have the score recorded at the time of walk off (whichever is higher). The opponent’s score will be zero. This score will be the official score in case goal differential is necessary. The event director reserve the right to decide all matters concerning a forfeit. A team must have 7 eligible players to start a match.  A team will be required to forfeit if they do not have the minimum number of players 5 minutes after the scheduled start time of the match.

Inclement Weather

The event director has the authority to make the following changes if deemed necessary due to weather conditions.
1. Shorten the duration of the match
2. Suspend temporarily or permanently any matches in progress
3. Cancel any or all matches if necessary.  

Ohio Galaxies FC, facilities, sponsors, advertisers and supporters are not responsible for any team or personal expenses incurred by cancellation of scheduled matches.

Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams must appear on the field of play ready to play as scheduled.   Only the event director or his/her designee can cancel or postpone a match.  The safety of the players and spectators will be the first concern in making any weather decisions.  Should a match's progress be terminated due to severe weather conditions, the match be considered official once the first half of the match has been completed.  Teams should not leave the facility until the event director has determined the status of their match.

Facility Rules (All Locations)
1. No alcohol or drugs are permitted.   Any player, coach or spectator found with alcohol or drugs will cause the entire team with which they are associated to be asked to leave the facility.
2. The speed limit at all facilities is 10 MPH.  Observe directional signs and park in designated areas only.
3. No pets are allowed at our event facilities.
4. No smoking is permitted at our event facilities.

All participants in our event are expected to maintain high standards of conduct while at our facilities and during your stay in our community.  These standards are expected of parents,  players, coaches, referees and other guests in at all facilities include housing accommodations.